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Fine Arts Education and... 

Project Management?

October 1, 2023
by Eric Sanford

Greetings, All!  This school year has been crazy.  So much that I've barely had time to pursue this amazing passion project.  For now, FAECC Podcasts are on pause, but I hope to be pushing more content into the universe on Tiktok and Blogs in the near future.

For now, I wanted to share an incredible find that has fueled my Lifelong Student career.  A few months ago, I wanted to pursue some type of non-education certification.  Not a degree, I'm still paying off my masters.  A friend mentioned Google Certifications, and at the low cost of $50 a month, there are several options for programs and certifications to pursue.  The beauty is it's all virtual, all self-paced, and I can do as much or as little as I have the energy to complete.

I chose Project Management for my first certification. And yes, I do plan on getting multiple certifications. I am blown away by the course and finding it to be very intuitive and relevant. The videos are easy to follow along, mixed with some articles to read, quizzes, and some scenarios that seem to be catered specifically to me and my ambitions.

For instance, I never thought of a teacher as a project manager.  But sure enough, the translation of skills and experience is so close, that I think I've found my next career (just switching my educator role to a different sector).  Check out some Music Teacher Skills below and see how they are translated into Project Management Skills.  I will say that ChatGPT helped me out with this.  Is it legit?  I don't know, but it sure does cross off a lot of the phrases in job descriptions that I find.  

You tell me if this is close or not...

Task: Teaching music theory and practical skills.

Project Manager Equivalent: Instructing team members on project methodologies and best practices.

Task: Leading music rehearsals and performances.

Project Manager Equivalent: Facilitating team meetings and coordinating project execution.

Task: Assessing and evaluating student progress.

Project Manager Equivalent: Monitoring and evaluating project milestones and outcomes.

Task: Creating lesson plans and curriculum.

Project Manager Equivalent: Developing project plans and strategies.

Task: Managing musical instruments and equipment.

Project Manager Equivalent: Overseeing project resources and assets.

Task: Collaborating with other musicians and instructors.

Project Manager Equivalent: Collaborating with cross-functional teams and stakeholders.

Task: Adapting to different learning styles and abilities.

Project Manager Equivalent: Adapting to diverse team dynamics and skill sets.

Experience: Conducting musical ensembles.

Project Manager Equivalent: Leading project teams.

Experience: Organizing and promoting music events.

Project Manager Equivalent: Planning and executing project events and promotions.

Experience: Managing music budgets.

Project Manager Equivalent: Budgeting and financial management for projects.

Skills: Communication and collaboration with team members.

Project Manager Equivalent: Strong communication and teamwork skills.

Skills: Problem-solving to address musical challenges.

Project Manager Equivalent: Problem-solving for project issues and obstacles.

Skills: Time management and organization for rehearsals and performances.

Project Manager Equivalent: Effective time management and organization of project tasks.

Skills: Attention to detail in musical notation and performance.

Project Manager Equivalent: Attention to detail in project planning and execution.

Skills: Leadership and motivation of musicians.

Project Manager Equivalent: Leadership and motivation of project team members.

Call me crazy on this one, but if this is a direct translation, I've been a Project Manager for over 15 years!  Of course, this isn't even all of what my job description has included.  "Recruitment and Retention of Music Students" now becomes "Acquisition and Sustaining of Project Team Members".  Public speaking, organizing fundraisers, engagement with stakeholders, tracking inventory... The list goes on and on!

I cannot wait to provide an update.  Check out the TikTok and Instagram for more features, and let us know what you might be interested in learning more about!

Sharpen your pencils, friends!  It's going to be a fun ride.  

Peace and Blessings,


Interested in learning more about the "Grow with Google" programs?  Check out this link here (I don't get anything from it. I just admire how easy it is to continue being a student.)